Apr 5, 2022
In this episode of the Vanning Ain't No Joke podcast we have Kubi and Luki. @ twins that went to school and had jobs in the Bio tech industry. They ended up quitting their jobs to pursue their dreams of becoming full time artists and paragliding pilots.
I first met Kubi and Luki at a paragliding park in the Salt...
Dec 1, 2020
In this episode of the Vanning Ain't No Joke Podcast we talk with Leo who I first met at the paragliding park in Salt Lake City. He was so stoked on the van and showed me his Subaru he was living in.
I ran into him again at another paragliding launch in Wyoming where we sat down to do this podcast and I found out...
Apr 5, 2020
In this episode of the Vanning Ain't No Joke Podcast it's the first time my girlfriend Sighlin or @Sigh.Otter is on the show. We were friends for a long time before I started liking her and somehow I convinced her to live in a van with me....or to come to Never Never Land as I put it.
We talk about her first...
Aug 15, 2019
In this episode of the Vanning Aint No Joke podcast we talk with Billy who runs a company called Vertical Vans where he builds out vans for people or builds them to sell.
Billy also sleeps in the middle of giant rock faces sometimes. He is a big wall climber so we talk about that.
Look for his youtube series about...
Jun 26, 2019